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Charlotte County
Take Back
the Night
An annual event to raise awareness and educate the public on Violence Against Women with special attention on survivors of Sexual Assault.
Take Back
the Night
An annual event to raise awareness and educate the public on Violence Against Women with special attention on survivors of Sexual Assault.

Our march/walk has been well attended in previous years. Every resident of Charlotte County, woman, man or child, should be free to walk about our community without fear of violence. Our streets and our homes should be safe places for all of us. We believe that violence can be stopped and are committed to making that happen.
National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada

December 6 is the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women in Canada. This day marks the anniversary of the murders in 1989 of 14 young women at l'École Polytechnique de Montréal. They were attacked and died because they were women.
A day to celebrate the accomplishments of women everywhere! In our own community and around the world women are making a difference, making discoveries, changing diapers, changing governments, challenging media, championing other women, helping elders, guiding children, demanding more of science and medicine, standing up for good traditions and old wisdom, calling down cruel, horrible practices, defying those who would harm the vulnerable, dressing up for V-Day dancing and dressing down those who would put us "in our place", flying to the stars, finding joy, fighting for equality and protecting the planet. No wonder we get tired sometimes!!